Book on Business Model Innovation

Book on Business Model Innovation

Normally, we do not use the blog for announcements, however we have two good news that we want to share with you. First, a workbook for startups was just released and second, we have teamed up with Orange Hills to form fluidminds Australia. New Book on “Starting with the Right Business Model” The book “Das Richtige gründen: Werkzeugkasten für Unternehmer” or “Starting…

Vintage bus

We “totally screwed up”: Values and Behaviors in Volkswagen business model

Volkswagen, the world’s second-biggest carmaker admitted that it has been dishonest with customers and regulators. It has installed a software in its cars that falsifies emissions data of its diesel cars. Unfortunately, it is a perfect example where the values promised to customers and the real behavior outright contradict. And because of the mismatch, Volkswagen is in a perfect storm….

The offer is only one building block to fulfill the value proposition
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The offer is only one building block to fulfill the value proposition

One of the beauties of the business model thinking is that we learn to see a business totally different if we really apply stringent thinking and dissect a business into its building blocks. And one of the most important concepts is that the value proposition is not the product. Why? It’s not the product that creates value but the value…

The missing part for business model innovation: The process
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The missing part for business model innovation: The process

Recently, I had an intensive discussion with David Siegel who just moved to Zurich. His big idea is business agility and he is so right since the missing part in business model innovation is the process moving from your current business model to a better future. He calls it business agility. We at fluidminds use Rethinking business and Entrepreneurial Design…

Innovation is about being different

Innovation is about being different

What is innovation? Innovation is a strange beast. Most people say innovation is about new technology or bringing new things to the market. Some might think of better processes. Schumpeter went further and defined it as “The introduction of new goods (…), new methods of production (…), the opening of new markets (…), the conquest of new sources of supply …


The abundance of choice. A call for a fresh value proposition: The need for the right choice.

Ever since we have the Internet everything is abundant. So many information at your fingertip, billions of webpages, millions of articles on Wikipedia, millions of articles at Amazon and other hundred of thousands of specialized ecommerce shops with even more articles. But is more choice always better? Abundance of choice is today the norm. That is due to the Internet. A physical…