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It’s not the price, stupid. It is the value (proposition)

Concentrate less on the product and more on the value you create for your customers. The customers care for the value proposition and how you fulfill it. And of course, the product is important but all other building blocks help to fulfill the value proposition as well.

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Banking 2.0: Call for help

Ideas for unsolved or badly solved jobs in today’s banking Dear readers, this time I would like to tap to your collective and swarm intelligence. It’s a bit like open innovation but in a quick and dirty version. The challenge: boring and uninspiring banking The challenge is simple. Retail and e-Banking in the current form is quite 1.0. Most eBanking…

Leaving blanks blank: The art of accepting blanks on the canvas
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Leaving blanks blank: The art of accepting blanks on the canvas

Recently, I spent time at the most international and diverse university of Germany, the Jacobs University in Bremen with Prof. Steven Ney. I did a seminar on entrepreneurial design. The students were trained already to use the canvas and the course was great. However, their inability to leave blanks on the canvas was striking. What do I mean by this?


The strange business model of airlines

The airline business is a strange business and in desperate need for business model innovation. On the one hand, more people fly than ever to prices lower than ever. IATA, the industry body, states that the real cost of travel has fallen in the last 40 years by about 60% and the number of travelers increased tenfold. Air freight has…


The hidden cost of Apple’s Business Model

Apple is the poster child of business model innovation. Apple has reinvented several business like music with itunes and the ipod, the telecommunication industry with its iphones and currently, the publishing/news/information industry with the ipad. But success is also associated with costs we should consider. Apple has a market capitalization of 576.79 billion USD. There are 43’400’000 search results at Google…


Fighting for the next business model in the pets industry

I had in the last months the chance to apply business model thinking & innovation on several, very diverse industries: the airline and travel industry, the pets industry and some time ago on the media industry, particularly newspaper. In the upcoming three next posts, I will share some insights I gained from using the business model canvas on these industries….