Banking 2.0: Call for help
Ideas for unsolved or badly solved jobs in today’s banking
Dear readers, this time I would like to tap to your collective and swarm intelligence. It’s a bit like open innovation but in a quick and dirty version.
The challenge: boring and uninspiring banking
The challenge is simple. Retail and e-Banking in the current form is quite 1.0. Most eBanking or payment systems use the traditional business model and transferred the traditional model online. So we have a banking 1.0 online. Boring, dull, uninspiring.
Now, the challenge is: What will be banking 2.0 look like?
What would make you say: “Wow, they really got it. You have to try it. It’s cool and just helped me to make my life easier and better.”
Your unsolved or badly solved jobs in personal finance
But before we look at the solutions I would like to raise the questions what are unsolved jobs in your personal finances. What annoys you? What is great and more people should know about? What are needs you think are so obvious, that there should be solutions to it?
Personal finance can anything from cash management, expense management, payments, saving and investing, financing your house or your car, saving for the silver age (pensions) etc… If you have a family, think about your family financial affairs. If you are a patchwork family, what are special jobs there?
Your solutions, please!
The second question is about solutions. What solutions do we need in banking 2.0? What products or services you would love to see?
Please use the comment function for your unsolved-jobs or ideas or the open innovation platform atizo, where I have set up a project “banking 2.0” for us. Please feel free to use both or just the one that suits you most.
Here some basics from a customer survey in Switzerland:
And another Swiss Bank just stared an open innovation project on banking of the future
I’TS COOL just halp me to make my life be easier and better