Changing strategy reality
This video shows extremely well why companies just not need to do more of the same (MOTS) since it leads to more clutter. More clutter in features, more clutter in products, more clutter in advertising, more clutter in PR messages, more clutter of everything.
In this strange world of more of everything simplicity and clarity in your business model helps to find real differentiation, not just little differentiation but radical. Differentiation in the image, the message and the product helps but business model innovation where you create a fresh business model that is based on fresh customer insights is one key to reach this needed radical differentiation.
Enjoy the video by Scholz & Friends.
This video is particularly funny for all Germans that were socialized by the brands mentioned on the side line. Think that we have only limited brain capacity for each product category.
I will not debate with your conclusions because I think you’re exact on the money! You have put together a valid case for your sentiments and now I know more about this unusual topic. Thanks for this excellent post and i will come back for more.